For the little a special tutu.

The March of Dimes is of importance to me this is my second year of involvement. Its a very fun fundraiser where everyone dresses up in all purple and have costume contests and best decorated stroller contests.

The March of Dimes is to raise awareness and help prevent premature birth. As some of you know my son was born premature and didn't make it to his first birthday. In that short amount of time I spent in the NICU with him I have made lasting bonds with other mothers of preemies. One of those which has become very important and a constant is with Michelle and her baby girl Molly.

Michelle and her NICU roommates have formed a bond and started a non profit.

For this years march of dimes I have made for little molly a tutu. Its a purple tulle with different colored sequins sewn onto it.

Shes almost two but is petite so this is a small tutu. Her and her parents are at the MAYO clinic and have been there for several weeks. I hope they are able to come back in time for the March of Dimes.

Little miss' family could use some support, Ive attached a link where you can read about this tough little girl.

 I just had to add bows!! now its just way to cute.

Thanks for reading stay fresh and happy sewing!

You can find me on shop name UpInStitchesSewing.

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