First time Curtain sewing/making, the learning experience.

New house = New curtains
The job of supplying curtians has fallen upon my shoulders. Making your own curtians is cost efficiant.
So I am laying out what I did and why I did it to help someone else who might run into the same issue.

Here is a picture of the hem of a living room curtain panel. It is about 4 1/2" wide, so I am showing this because it is not what it appears to be if you look close enough.
The story; I went to a upholstery store that had tones of home fabrics and other notions really cheap. I came in with a yellow legal pad that had the measurements of every single window in the house. After several hours of going through fabrics we had found prints for every room. I go up to the counter (they cut and checkout at the same time) and bless the cashiers heart helped me as best he could. I was having difficulty with my math skills, from the stress of having to go through so many fabrics and trying to make sure I got enough. So he whipped out a calculator and figured out how much was needed of each fabric to cover the windows. Unfortunately he didn't account for how much longer the fabric needed to hang past the window seal.

Long story short we got fabric cuts to the exact size of our windows with no hang allowance!! This is a huge deal. The hem above is actually separate from the panel, I had to lay out the fabric and do my best to match the patterns on the seam.

Here I have the fabric stretched across the living room to line up the lining.

In this pic I am showing the process of pinning the hem at all four edges. I did this so that the lining is sewn into the curtain. It separates at the bottom only. I have also chosen to use tabs for hanging instead of the sleeve version. The tabs are sewn on in a way that they will not be seen once hung.

Here is where you can see i pinned the lining lined up to the curtain straight down to the carpet. I then lightly stretched the CURTAIN and smoothed out the LINING over it.

This curtain is a grey and pink material. I made it the same way I made the living room curtains. I just like the way it hangs on hidden tabs. I am not a fan of the tabs that stick out that people think they can make cute by adding buttons. Its still ugly and an eye sore. But my way is ideal (well for me at least).

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